It(=tradition) involves, in the first place, the historical sense, which we may call nearly indispensable to anyone who would continue to be a poet beyond his twenty-fifth year. (T. S. Eliot)It(=tradition) involves, in the first place, the historical sense, which we may call nearly indispensable to anyone who would continue to be a poet beyond his twenty-fifth year. (T. S. Eliot)

「伝統はまず第一に歴史意識に関わっており,25歳を過ぎても詩人であり続けようとする人には誰にとってもそれは不可欠なものだと言ってよかろう。」(『伝統と個人の才能』 T. S. エリオット) もう少し長めに前後の文脈を引用 […]