

New York Times: The Chicken Soup Chronicles  by Nora Ephron

「なぜ母乳保育がアレルギーを引き起こし,Google は会話を終わらせるか?」(本気にしないでね)

THE other day I felt a cold coming on. So I decided to have chicken soup to ward off the cold. Nonetheless I got the cold. This happens all the time: you think you’re getting a cold; you have chicken soup; you get the cold anyway. So: is it possible that chicken soup gives you a cold?


  • be big on ~ ~に熱中している,大好きだ
  • if you must know 知りたいっていうんなら教えてあげるけど
  • make a stab at ~ = guess, try

Nora Ephron はアメリカのシナリオライターですね。Meg Ryan の出てた "Sleepless in Seattle" (邦題「めぐり逢えたら」)ぐらいしか知りませんが。

