I rose to go, but Holmes caught me by the wrist and pushed me back into my chair. "It is both, or none," said he. "You may say before this gentleman anything which you may say to me."
The Count shrugged his broad shoulders. "Then I must begin," said he, "by binding you both to absolute secrecy for two years; at the end of that time the matter will be of no importance. At present it is not too much to say that it is of such weight it may have an influence upon European history."
"I promise," said Holmes.
"And I."
"You will excuse this mask," continued our strange visitor. "The august person who employs me wishes his agent to be unknown to you, and I may confess at once that the title by which I have just called myself is not exactly my own."
"I was aware of it," said Holmes drily.
"The circumstances are of great delicacy, and every precaution has to be taken to quench what might grow to be an immense scandal and seriously compromise one of the reigning families of Europe. To speak plainly, the matter implicates the great House of Ormstein, hereditary kings of Bohemia."
"I was also aware of that," murmured Holmes, settling himself down in his armchair and closing his eyes.
Our visitor glanced with some apparent surprise at the languid, lounging figure of the man who had been no doubt depicted to him as the most incisive reasoner and most energetic agent in Europe. Holmes slowly reopened his eyes and looked impatiently at his gigantic client.
"If your Majesty would condescend to state your case," he remarked, "I should be better able to advise you."
The man sprang from his chair and paced up and down the room in uncontrollable agitation. Then, with a gesture of desperation, he tore the mask from his face and hurled it upon the ground. "You are right," he cried; "I am the King. Why should I attempt to conceal it?"
"Why, indeed?" murmured Holmes. "Your Majesty had not spoken before I was aware that I was addressing Wilhelm Gottsreich Sigismond von Ormstein, Grand Duke of Cassel-Felstein, and hereditary King of Bohemia."
"But you can understand," said our strange visitor, sitting down once more and passing his hand over his high white forehead, "you can understand that I am not accustomed to doing such business in my own person. Yet the matter was so delicate that I could not confide it to an agent without putting myself in his power. I have come incognito from Prague for the purpose of consulting you."
- I rose ― rise 「立ち上がる」
- Holmes caught me by the wrist ― catch + O + by the hand [arm, wrist] 「Oの手[腕,手首]をつかむ」 もちろん,catch my wrist とも言えるが,捕まえる人を先に言ってから「手首のところで」(by the wrist)と付け加えるのが英語的表現。 この表現では his wrist ではなく the wrist になる。
- It is both, or none ― 「(あなたの話を聞くのはホームズとワトソン)両方か,または誰も聞かないか,のどちらか」
- You may say before this gentleman anything which you may say to me. ― anything which … が say の目的語。
- shrugged his broad shoulders. ― shrug one’s shoulders 「肩をすくめる」(不快・絶望・疑念・無関心・当惑・不賛成などを表す)
- Then I must begin," said he, "by binding ― begin by Ving 「Vすることから始める,はじめにVする」
- binding you both to absolute secrecy ― bind O to ~ 「Oに~を義務づける」
- of no importance ― of + 抽象名詞 の形(既出)。 of no importance = not important
- At present ― at present 「今のところ,現在は」
- it is not too much to say that ― It is not too much to say that … = It is no exaggeration to say that … 「・・・と言っても言い過ぎではない」
- it is of such weight it may have an influence upon European history. ― of weight = of importance 。 such ~ that … 「とても~なので・・・」の that が省略されている。
- august ― august 「威厳のある,高貴な」 アクセントは,augúst。
- wishes his agent to be unknown to you ― wish O to V 「OがVすることを願う」。
- confess at once that the title by which I have just called myself is not exactly my own ― confess 「告白する,打ち明ける」 title 「称号,肩書き」 call A by B 「Bという名でAを呼ぶ」
- I was aware of it ― be aware of ~ 「~に気づいている,知っている」
- of great delicacy― これまた of + 抽象名詞。 of great delicacy = very delicate
- precaution has to be taken ― precaution 「用心,警戒」 take precautions 「警戒する」
- quench ― quench 「(火を)消す,抑える」
- what might grow to be an immense scandal ― grow to be ~ 「成長して~になる」(結果を表す不定詞)。 immense 「ものすごい,巨大な」
- seriously compromise one of the reigning families of Europe.― compromise 「(名誉などを)汚す」 reigning family 「王族,王家」(既出)。
- To speak plainly ― 「はっきり言えば」
- implicates the great House of Ormstein― implicate 「関係づける」
- hereditary kings of Bohemia. ― hereditary 「遺伝の,代々の,相続権のある」
- settling himself down in his armchair and closing his eyes. ― settling と closing は分詞構文。 settle 「落ち着かせる,置く」 settle oneself 「身を置く,落ち着く」
- glanced with some apparent surprise at the languid, lounging figure of the man― glance at ~ 「~をチラッと見る」 with some apparent surprise は挿入句。 apparent + 形容詞 「一見~にみえる,どうも~みたいな」。 languid 「物憂げな,けだるい」 lounge 「だらだらする,ゆったりする」。 figure 「(人の)姿」。
- who had been no doubt depicted to him as the most incisive reasoner and most energetic agent in Europe. ― no doubt 「おそらく,きっと」。 depict 「描く,描写する」 depict A as B 「AはBだと描き出す」。この him は「客人」。過去完了になっているので,以前に誰かからホームズはヨーロッパ最高の探偵だと言う描写を聞かされたのである。
- impatiently ― 「せっかちに,もどかしげに」
- gigantic client ― gigantic 「巨大な」 [dʒaigǽntk]
- If your Majesty would condescend to state your case, I should be better able to advise you.― 全体は仮定法だが,ていねいさを演出するために「あり得ないことですが...」という非現実性のニュアンスをこめている。condescend to V 「Sという目上の人物が目下の人物に対してへりくだって・謙遜して・気さくにVする」。 be able to の比較級は, be better able to と be more able to がある。 Majesty 「陛下」ということばは国王・君主,またはその一族に対して用いる。ここで,ホームズは相手が代理人などではなく,国王本人であることを見抜いていると告げたことになる。2人称として(つまり呼びかけや,you の代わりに) your Majesty (複数なら your Majesties)を使い,3人称(つまり,第三者的に語ったり,he, she の代わり)としては,his [her] Majesty (複数なら their Majesties)を用いる。国王以外では,Your Excellency (大使,知事,司教など), Your Lordship (貴族など), Your Honor (裁判官など)を使う。これらは日本語の「閣下」にあたる。
- sprang from his chair ― spring 「とび上がる」
- paced up and down the room ― pace 「(心配事などで)歩き回る」 up and down 「行ったり来たり」
- in uncontrollable agitation ― in agitation 「興奮して,動揺して」 uncontrollable 「抑えきれない,手に負えない」
- with a gesture of desperation ― desperation 「必死,自暴自棄,絶望」 < desperate = feeling or showing that you have little hope and are ready to do anything without worrying about danger to yourself or others (OALD) 「もう希望が持てず,自他への危険をかえりみず何でもやってしまえ,と感じている状態」
- tore the mask from his face ― tear[teɚ] – tore –torn 「引き裂く,引きはがす」
- hurled it upon the ground ― hurl 「ほうる,投げつける」
- Why should I attempt to conceal it? ― why や how の疑問文で should を使うと,意外感を出し「いったいなぜ・どうして」という感じになる。
- "Why, indeed?" ― 国王のことばを受けて,「実際なぜ(正体を隠そうなどとなさったのでしょうか)?」ということ。
- Your Majesty had not spoken before I was aware ― … had not p.p. … before S + V(過去形)~ 「・・・しないうちに,~した」。直訳は,「SがVしたよりも前には,・・・・していなかった」だが,この構文では before の右側に話題の焦点がある。
- I was addressing Wilhelm Gottsreich Sigismond von Ormstein, Grand Duke of Cassel-Felstein, and hereditary King of Bohemia. ― address 「~に話しかける」。次の3つは同格。 Wilhelm ~ Ormstein が名前, Grand Duke 「大公」が貴族としての位階(王になる前?),そしてhereditary King が現在の王位。
- his high white forehead ― high forehead 「広い額」。
- I am not accustomed to doing such business in my own person― be accustomed to Ving 「Vすることに慣れている」 in person 「(代理人を使わず)本人自ら」。
- Yet the matter was so delicate that I could not confide it to an agent without putting myself in his power.―
- incognito ― so ~ that 構文。 confide A to B 「(信頼して)AをBに打ち明ける,AをBにゆだねる,託す」。 put myself in his power は「自分自身を彼(信頼した相手)の意のままの状態に置いてしまう」→「相手につけ込まれる,なすがままにされる」。 S is in my power. 「Sは私の思いのままだ」。全体は cannot V1 without V2ing 「V1すると必ずV2する」←「V2せずにV1できない」。
- for the purpose of consulting you ― for the purpose of Ving 「Vするために,Vする目的で」
shrug his shoulders (学研 「I SEE ALL カラー図解英語百科辞典」より)
